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A very special small 11-bedroom hotel overlooking Lake Windermere in the Lake District, and set within its own 67 acres of land.

Over the years it has been used frequently as a celebratory haven for the Beckhams, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman and Stella McCartney where more than often it becomes an exclusive use. The property is famous worldwide for its un-spoilt English charm, romantic setting and excellent cuisine.

Inspiration for dishes come from the environment around the hotel and the development kitchen is where meticulous dish research and creation takes place. It also has its own kitchen garden using progressive growing techniques to create fresh daily produce that provide the core ingredients for dishes.

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Opening hours

Lunch 12 noon - 2pm and 7pm - 10pm

Opening hours and days may be subject to change.

What we love

  • Restaurant with rooms (Hotel)
  • Chef's table
  • Fine dining


Featured only

Club benefits do not apply here.

Club offer restaurants nearby:

Restaurant name Club savings
The Cottage in the Wood £30
Restaurant at Rothay Manor £15
Forest Side Hotel £32
The Cottage in the Wood £30

Contact details

Awards & Cuisine

  • 4 AA, 1 Michelin
  • Modern British, Modern European
  • Menus

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