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Molly’s Frittata, by Ox Barn, Thyme

Cook at Home

A family favourite, a frittata is perfect for brunch, lunch and dinner. This recipe from the Ox Barn at Thyme is so simple and quick to make, and as Harrison Ford says in the movie Morning Glory (2010) “The key to a good frittata is a very hot pan, because that, my friends, is what makes it… fluffy”.



Prep Time

15 mins

Cooking Time

15 mins


  • 3 eggs 
  • A dash of cream
  • 1 A left over boiled potato or two from last nights supper
  • 2 leaves of cavolo nero, stalks stripped out and leaves blanched
  • ½ burrata – snack on the other half with olive oil and salt
  • 20g of parmesan
  • Salt and pepper


Preheat the oven to 220°C (normal) | 200°C (fan) | gas mark 7

  • Dice the potato and fry in an oven-proof pan over a medium heat with a knob of butter and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. 
  • Tear the cavolo nero roughly and add it to the pan. 
  • Beat your eggs with the cream and add to the pan.
  • Stir the ingredients briefly and then allow the egg to begin to colour on the bottom: this will take 5 minutes. 
  • Tear the burrata and place the chunks evenly through the frittata.
  • Place the lot in the oven and allow it to cook for 5 minutes, remove from the oven and scatter over the Parmesan and allow it to cook for a further 8 minutes, until the egg is cooked, and the top has crisped slightly.
  • Slice and serve.  it to cool.

The Ox Barn, Thyme, Southrop Manor Estate, Southrop, Gloucestershire, GL7 3NX

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